UTILISE - Work Experience Recruit

The UTILISE team are excited to be working with Tae Horsfield, over the next year or so, as she gathers work experience on the project before studying towards an MSc. We’ll be getting Tae involved with a range of tasks, from transcription, to fidelity checks, to observation. In the short time she has been with us, she has already made a great impression, evidencing a diligent and thoughtful attitude. Here’s what Tae has to say:

I have recently graduated with a BSc in Psychology from Brunel University of London. In my dissertation, I investigated whether discrepancy scores between semantic and phonemic fluency tasks would predict the diagnostic status of patients groups suffering with various neurodegenerative diseases.

I have joined the UTILISE Project to expand my knowledge of acquired communication difficulties in older adults. Next September, I will be starting an MSc to further specialise in language sciences, neuroscience, and communication.